Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Oree Turns One!

Yes, we had a party for a dog. Reason: We survived puppyhood. It was a party more for the humans than our dog. Santa brought us Oree when Abigail was not even 2...what was Santa thinking? Well, while we gripe about our dog that swipes all things in her path...we love her! She's a NUT and fits perfectly in our family. We invited our friends with dogs and well, they came out! ha! Oree made out like a bandit with some wonderful new toys, treats, and even a big girl BONE. She had a great time and our friends were so nice to bring gifts. Hilarious. We had no idea that would happen. Abigail did however buy her fave pup a gift. A pink hoodie! ha! Here are some pics from the big event held at the nearby dog park!