Tuesday, December 21, 2010


This picture pretty much sums it all up. While we didn't end up with beautifully decorated Christmas sugar cookies, we did end up having a GREAT time. Tips for next time: Not a school night activity; do not buy or use industrial strength food coloring ; aprons are overrated.

Silly girl!

Mommy watching close.

Oh what a good dough roller she is!

Adding just a little bit more flour!

The powerful food coloring. I thought I'd do good by buying the fancy food coloring, but got way more than what I bargained for. I attempted to frost a few while Abigail was getting her bath. I quickly realized what I was up againsted and decided this wasn't happening. I left all of the cookies 'naked' and they tasted delicious and my two sweethearts remained unscathed from this permanent marker type food coloring!

Some of our cookie cutters. I know, the butterfly isn't all that Christmasy, but Abigail asked Santa for a butterfly so it made the cut as a part of our sugar cookie collection!

Wearing Daddy's chef hat just made an adorable picture!

Oh, how I love these two pictures of my sweethearts!

The Pictureless Post

So, this is just to document what occurred recently. Two things. Abigail attended her first Mavs game (in a suite) and also received her first phone call from Santa. I didn't have my camera to caputre the moment so these words will have to do. However, the events are engrained in my memory forever. *smile*

We were invited to attend the Mavs vs Jazz game one Saturday night earlier this month from folks that Matt works with. We were in a suite with nice platinum parking at the door which was nice because it was really cold that night. Anyway, Abigail had one of those Saturdays where she napped about 1 hour only and we had been out and about ALL day. We weren't sure what we were in for with a LATE night ahead of us but there we went.

She snoozed some in the car on the way which was good. When we got there she seemed very refreshed and well had to go to the potty immediately (it was about a 45 minute drive there!). We went up to the suite and said hi to everyone. It was pretty loud in there and she doesn't really like LOUD places . Then, the DESSERT CART came by. That changed everything. They basically said we could have anything we wanted and as much as we wanted. Music to a pregnant woman's ears and a toddler's tummy! Our eyes couldn't believe the amazing desserts we were seeing. So, we did as they said. We took what we wanted and as much as we wanted. Mind you, this was already passed Abigail's bedtime so to stay up late and have SWEETS was a major treat. She was in heaven, and so was I. She gobbled up stuff and just then decided loud noises weren't all that bad and just paraded around the suite and cheered for the Mavs and hugged everyone! The next day delivered a 3.5 hour nap. She was wiped and so was I, but we had a GREAT time!!

Santa Calls Mommy's Cell Phone

We were at Wal-Mart one day and well, Abigail was acting up here and there just like a toddler can when out shopping. We were buying some toys for our "adopt-a-family" and she wanted my cell phone and was pretending to have a conversation with someone as we walked around the store. I told Daddy secretly to go and call my cell phone and pretend he's Santa while she was holding it.

The phone rang and she quickly brought it to me and said, "mommy your cell phone is ringing." I looked at it and told her that it was Santa calling. "Do you want to talk to him," I asked and she quickly said YES!

Her facial expression was perhaps one of the most amazing things I've seen! She was STUNNED. She very politely answered whatever questions he was asking her. After her quick conversation, she gave me the phone and said, "that was Santa." She had the biggest smile on her face and as soon as she saw daddy, she told him all about it.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Our Christmas Photo Shoot!

Every year, the Allen/McKinney Area Mothers of Multiples group arranges a photo fundraiser. We decided to give it a shot for just $45, we could keep all the pics! We have never had anyone else attempt to take pictures of Abigail so we weren't sure what we were going to get. Oh, wait, we did do this very fund-raiser one other time a year ago or so and it failed miserably. It was a different photographer and well Abigail was about a year younger. Well, this year we took a chance and we were really pleased with the outcome. Photography by Jill Ann http://www.photographybyjillann.com did great!! We had a fun time and boy what a little lollipop and a very social photographer can accomplish in terms of smiles from Miss Abigail Wolf.

The photos were all taken in McKinney and on 10/10/10. I was about 11 weeks pregnant. We have a couple of pictures of the belly area to commemorate! Hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we did. We thought of taking the dog with us, but opted not since well, she is a bit crazy and we weren't sure what would happen. Maybe next year when she's a year older! :)

Lovin' on her baby sister!

When Wolves Hide Behind Trees...

And down the slide we come...

Wolf pup up a tree...

Awwww, all cuddly in the woods.

This is one of mommy's favorites!

The Wolfpack

Hammin' it up!

Another one of my favorites

And this one made it to a canvas!

Taking a peek from the bridge...


Oh goodness...

The Honeymooners...


wolves in the wild


Monday, December 6, 2010

i love you baby girl wolf...


It's a girl! We're soooooo excited. This appointment we had another full sonogram and were able to see Baby Wolf in a totally different way. We got a sneak peek 3D sono and the pic immediately below is of her face and little fist right in front! She's a doll! And you can already see that gorgeous "Wolf" chin taking shape...it's daddy's and Abigail's too and now Baby Girl Wolf #2!

This pregnancy is completely and totally different from the first and so we're getting very excited to see how Baby Wolf grows!! Hard to believe I can get any bigger than I already am! AAGGH.

Join the guessing game at: www.expectnet.com and enter the game name - BabyWolf-2. Grandma Wolf thought I was having twin boys! Goodness! Well for now, we see one sweet baby girl!!

Thank you God for our sweet miracle...


Abigail's school planned a sweet Christmas Caroling event at the nursing home on a Saturday morning. It was so nice and so fun! While she didn't sing a single word, she stood up there (with some stage fright) and managed to participate like that! She then passed out candy canes to all of the residents. I was proud of her and we celebrated by going to Hobby Lobby and buying her traditional, "you pick it" ornament and then lunch at McDonald's!

The outfit was a gift from Aunt Sally and Uncle Mike! Super cute and well the residents really liked it too! She really enjoyed being dressed like Santa as well!! :)

Holding her little sheet of songs and just playing along!

At home, well it's a different story!

A Visit with Uncle Dave & Aunt Diana!

Dave and Diana drove through the Big D on their way back to Atlanta from their Thanksgiving trip down to the Valley. We were soooo happy that they stopped by for a while since we hadn't seen them in soooo long. Abigail really enjoyed playing with them and all of the extra attention the showered her with. She really missed them when they left. She said, "why did they go, I really like them!"

They wanted to give her their Christmas present early and see her open and play with it so we agreed...it was great! They gave her a Baby Alive and like most of her dolls, she named it "Baby Gradgy" and right away just fell in love with her little baby doll!

Tucking her in for a nap.

Hanging out coloring!

Here she is with Diana opening the box...

Feeding her and cleaning her mouth...

Washing it down with the bottle!

Uncle Dave needed a Princess Crown.

And again, he needed a Princess Crown.

And how fun, she got a horsey ride from her Uncle Dave!! And Oree got some love from Diana!!