ABIGAIL> LET'S GO OUTSIDE - There's a bunny in our backyard. Who cares if it's 7am!
BUNNY> What the? There's an overly eager toddler headed my way. EEK...I'm outta here.
ABIGAIL> I WANT TO SQUEEZE THAT BUNNY... (See bunny in the not-so-distant background and of course Abigail's reaction!)
Abigail really wanted to grab that bunny and give it a big squeeze like she does all of her other stuffed bunnies. Oh, we tried to catch it, but the bunny outsmarted us; lucky for him! We came in and had breakfast and Abigail had cheerios with milk in a bowl like a big girl! She loved it! She used her special new bowl that her neighbor BFF, Ambar, gave her! Way cool! When momma decided to drink the remaining milk from her cereal bowl, Abigail decided to do the same with hers and we got some GREAT milk moustaches!!
Then, Abigail got to play with mommy's old jewelry while mommy cleaned out some old storage containers and so that was just loads of fun! She wanted to put on all the jewelry by herself with no help from anyone. We thought she looked just stunning; especially decked out in her fuzzy purple slippers!
We made a trip to Lowes and found flowers for 50% off. Abigail got to ride in her favorite front facing RACE CAR shopping cart so she had all the flowers in front of her in the cart and tried to pick off the leaves and petals. She was pooped when we got home so she went straight for a nap! Ah, Saturday mornings couldn't get any better than this! Even if you threw in a mimosa! Ha! That's our wolf howl - Ow, ow, ooowww!