Wednesday, May 27, 2009


We thought it would be a fun Memorial Day Weekend project to get some finger paint, a blank canvas and have Abigail go at it! The weather was nice and it appears that we may have a little Picassa on our hands! Here she is displaying the "blank" canvas that would find it's messy fate in just moments.

We got her all covered up in a smock and set up the gallery.
Daddy played photographer while mommy assisted the arteest.

She quickly got the hang of things and then showed us her colorful hands.

Oh, the delicate dipping of the fingers...

All the limbs came out for the fun! Check out that foot AND leg actually!

My favorite - showing her finesse at the early age of 15 mos...

Oh, did I say finesse, no I meant funniness! Ha! Hand on knee action goin' here. Just gettin 'er done.

And then we said, show us your artwork...