Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Doggie Window...

Well, Daddy installed a super fantastic doggie window for Oree to go to her bidness outside at her convenience! Abigail of course helped! It really is a nice set up and we put some steps on the inside and outside so Oree could climb up to the window! Pardon the blurry pics...mommy's camera batteries died so these were taken by the Blackberry!

Now, the reason she's 'dressed' the way she is is another story altogether! With potty training, she's been just loving those Dora the Explorer panties. So much so that she wears them over her clothes sometimes. We have to really work it to get her to take them off when we leave the house! New fashion trend ya think?

Abigail trying to convince Oree to come in through the doggie door! Oree wasn't a fan and was a bit spooked by the door. She got the hang of the steps (a little), but not so much the door.