A Year in Review: From One to Two
by Mommy
This year, she went from an infant to a toddler right before our very eyes. A little baby with a pacifier in her mouth, unable to hold a fork or spoon or cup in her hand, to an independent thinker with plenty to say and do! We've never been so busy and sleep deprived and yet so very happy and blessed! Hearts so full!
She loves milk, calamari, chocolate, shrimp, cheese, bread, Fruit Loops, CORN, black beans, pasta, oranges, blueberries, bananas, gummy treats and vitamins!
She enjoys watching all things Dora, Sesame Street, and Barney and can't get enough of her dolls and kitchen and putting her babies to nite nite. She's their doctor when they're sick! She's quite the ballerina and started at 19 months! She loves to make us laugh with many animated faces! She counts from 1-20 toggling between 18 and 19 and counts to 10 in Spanish (getting a bit lost around ocho!). She's got her ABCs down and recognizes letters.
She prefers painting to coloring and mornings to night. She has a great big laugh and enjoys making us laugh too...she thinks she's funny and will say so! "Abigail funny!"
And her newest best friend has won her heart ...a 12-wk old Labradoodle name Oreo "Oree" Wolf that Santa brought her! She calls her Owee and can't go to bed at night without giving her a hug and kiss goodnight.
She tugs at our heartstrings each and every second and lights up our life with her smile! Thank you God for our sweet gift...Abigail. Happy 2nd Birthday...February 22nd, 2010!!
When Asked, How Old Are You? "Two" She Says and Displays "4" with Her Fingers!
PS>Make sure to take a look at all my posts/stories - to the right here is a "Blog Archive" and you can click on different titles to see!